Adam the second, Adonai, Advocate, Aleph and Tav, All-knowing, All-powerful, Alpha and Omega, Amen, Ancient of days, Angel of His presence, Anointed above His fellows, Anointed of the Lord, Apostle of our confession, Arm of the Lord, Author and finisher of our faith, Author of eternal salvation, Babe, Banner of the people, Beginning and the end, Beloved, Beloved of God, Beloved Son, Branch, Branch of righteousness, Bread, Bread of life, Bridegroom, Bright morning star, Carpenter, Carpenter’s son, Chief cornerstone, Chief Shepard, Child, Child Jesus, Chosen of God, Christ, Christ a King, Christ Jesus, Christ Jesus our Lord, Christ of God, Christ of God His chosen One, Christ the Lord, Christ the power of God, Christ the Son of the blessed, Comforter, Commander, Consolation of Israel, Counselor, Covenant of the people, Creator of heaven and earth, Dayspring, Deity, Deliverer, Desire of the nations, Diadem, Door, Door of the sheepfold, El, Elah, Eloah, Elohim, El Shaddai, Eternal life, Everlasting Father, Ever present, Faithful and true, Faithful witness, Firmly placed foundation, Firstborn, Firstborn from the dead, Firstborn of the dead, Firstborn of creation, Firstborn among the brethren, First Fruit, First and last, Forerunner, Forgiving, Foundation laid in Zion, Friend of tax collectors and sinners, Gentle, God, God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob, God blessed forever, God of gods, God of Israel, God our Savior, God with us, Good Master, Great God, Great High Priest, Great Shepard, Guileless, HaShem, Head, even Christ, Head of all, Head of every man, Head of the body, the church, Head over all things, Healer, Heir of all things, High Priest, His beloved Son, Holy One, Holy One of God, Holy and Just One, Holy One if Israel, Holy Servant, Hope and Glory, Horn of salvation, Humble, Husband, Image of God, Image of the invisible God, Immanuel, Innocent, Intercessor, Jah, Jealous, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ our Lord, Jesus Christ our Savior, Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus, the Son of God, Jesus, the Supposed son of Joseph, Judge of Israel, Judge of the living and the dead, Just Man, King, King eternal, King of Glory, King of Israel, King of kings, King of the Jews, King of Zion, Lamb, Lamb of God, Leader, Life, Lifted up, Light, Light of the Gentiles, Light of the world, Lily of the valleys, Lion of the tribe of Judah, Living bread, Living stone, Lord, Lord Christ, Lord God Almighty, Lord Jesus, Lord Jesus Christ, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Lord of both dead and living, Lord of all, Lord of Glory, Lord of Hosts, Lord of lords, Lord of Sabbath, Lord our righteousness, Lord, your Redeemer, Majestic Lord, Man of sorrows, Mediator, Merciful, Messenger of the covenant, Messiah, Mighty God, Mighty One, Mighty One of Jacob, Minister of the sanctuary, Minister of the circumcision, Morning Star, Nazarene, One, Only begotten of the Father, Only begotten Son, Only wise God, Our Passover, Our peace, Physician, Overcomer, Power of God, Precious cornerstone, Priest, Prince, Prince of life, Prince of peace, Prince of the kings of the earth, Prophet, Propitiation, Provider, Purifier and refiner, Quite, Rabbi, Rabboni, Ransom, Redeemer, Resurrection and the Life, Righteous Judge, Righteous Servant, Rock, Rock of offense, Rod of the stem of Jesse, Root of David, Root of Jesse, Rose of Sharon, Ruler of Israel, Ruler over the kings of the earth, Salvation, Savior, Savior Jesus Christ, Savior, God our, Savior of the world, Scepter out of Israel, Seed of David, Seed of the woman, Shalom, Shepard, Shepard and overseer of souls, Son of the blessed, Son of David, Son of God, Son of Mary, Son of the Father, Son of the Highest, Sower, Spotless, Star out of Jacob, Stone, Stone rejected, Stone of stumbling, Sun of righteousness, Teacher from God, Tried stone, True Love, True vine, Truth, Tzevaot, Unspeakable gift, Way, Way Maker, Wonderful, Word, Word of God, Word of Life, eXhalted, Ya, Yahweh, Yeshua, YHWH, Zealous…………………………………………………………………………………….